Transparent, responsible, legally approved weighed Rubbish Removal in South East London.
Responsible, Green Rubbish Removal In South East London With A Heart
We are a waste disposal with a difference.
First, our clear and transparent pricing that you can literally see based on the weight of the loads we are clearing for you.
Second, as part of our commitment to the environment, for every 100 loads booked, we will at our own expense responsibly dispose of one full van load of fly-tipped waste. That means cleaner streets and less rubbish for Councils to dispose of and pay for.
The Only Pay What It Weighs service is transparent and good value, but we are also going the extra mile for communities.
Reliable Waste Disposal Service
Transparent Competitive Pricing
Zero Waste-To-Landfill
Easy Booking Process
Recycling Friendly
Insured, Regulated & Licensed
Residential And Commercial Rubbish Removal In South East London
We are fully authorised by the Environment Agency to remove, transport, and dispose of all forms of garbage from across London and the surrounding areas. With cheap costs and a large team of professionals, we provide a speedy, efficient, and responsible waste clearance service.
Why Are We Doing This?
Reduce The Rate Of Fly Tipping
We will reduce the rate of fly tipping by explaining why it happens and how it can be prevented in our blog, social media, and when talking with people. Not only that, but we will take away some fly-tipped waste ourselves every time we clock up 100 paid for loads.
Complete Price Transparency
Your waste will be cleared by item price or weight, or a mixture of the two.
If you want to, you can stand by our vans and watch your rubbish weighed on. You will receive a clear printed receipt, showing your net weight and the labour time taken to complete the job. Then we will work out what we will be charged by your local recycling centre, and the overall cost including our fixed labour fees.
Encouraging Recycling
In our blog, social media, and when talking with people, we will encourage recycling, and our disposal routines will recycle the maximum possible of the waste we collect.
Saving The Planet
Irresponsibly handled waste harms the environment and our planet. By being watertight with our methods and with our commitment to pro bono fly-tipped waste disposal, we are on the side of our planet.